
Friday 25 September 2009


In winter, I don’t mind carrying the extra weight of a thermos. It’s just nice to have a hot beverage without the need to brew up. Or, if the brewing up process has left me with more hot water than I need, there’s no sense in wasting it. Also on canoe’m’ups, the need to have instant access to a hot beverage is even more imperative.

But there are times when I want an extra Nalgene along. Hot liquids don’t seem so important when I’m hiking out in the Dundas Valley in 35ºC.

There are times when I carry both types of bottles. Many of my camp’m’ups are often quite a ways away from a water source. If I have to go a ways to get water, I’ll take my day pack, and will swap out the Thermos in there and bring a water bottle instead to fill as many as I can in one trip.

So, I decided to make a simple pouch that I could carry both in. My Thermos is a little taller than the Nalgene, but the Nalgene is a bit wider. The design allowed for that. I wanted the versatility of being able to carry both, or even a 1L bottle of water bought at a store if need be.

I figured it all out, but after sewing the PALS on, I discovered that it made it a really tight fit to get the Nalgene in there. I thought I had left enough allowance, but in reality it didn’t work out exactly. Oh well. It still works. I can always make another one.
View of the bottom. Nice little drain hole on the bottom. Punched out with a paper drill at work, and finished off by hand.

There’s a slit along the side so that the top can be opened enough to get my hand in there to grasp the top of the bottle in order to pull it out. I should tie a fob around the orange part you can see to help with that.
Cinched up.
With Malice Clips.
Oh and the whole thing was sewn by hand on the daily train commute.

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