
Thursday 18 March 2010

Bibliophilia: Xenozoic – Mark Schultz

Has a definite 50’s pulp feel to it. Centuries into the future, after a great cataclysm of some kind, dinosaurs once again roam the earth, as well as people. With an ancient city rising from the water, and master mechanic/adventurer Jack Tenrec, who has managed to get a warehouse of old Cadillacs working again. With Hanna Dundee, a brainy, voluptuous babe with a gun belt on her hips, they get up to all sorts of adventures. (Tell me what story wouldn’t be improved by a well armed, smart, buxom hotty? I know my life would be infinitely better if I had such a being in it.)

One thing I noticed is that the story was done over quite a few years. I suspect the author/artist worked on it between other gigs. His art definitely gets better and a lot tighter as the years go on.

Tell me those last few panels don’t speak volumes.

This was also released elsewhere as Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. There is also a second volume to this that I am trying to find.

Liked this a whole lot. Great art, fun story.

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