
Sunday 31 July 2011

Goodbye Kifaru Cap

I’ve had this Kifaru cap for, let’s see, about 4 years now. Got it when I ordered some packs from them. Wore it much longer than I do most ball caps. Being a guy who regards himself as concerned about the planet we live on, I feel bad about it, but to me ball caps are a disposable commodity. I wear most articles of clothing once or twice and then they go in the wash. Hats for some strange reason get worn many, many, many times in a row without benefit of a wash. Strange that. Anyway, they get to be, oh, a tad disgustipating. I can never seem to get them smelling fresh again. I wash them, usually by hand, not often enough, but they reach a point where the polite thing to do is to chuck them and get a new one.

This one, probably because it was my Kifaru cap, stayed around past its best before date. I threw a boonie cap in the washing machine yesterday, and I have done it with a ball cap once in a while before, so I chucked it in as well. Boonie hat came out fine, ball finally gave up the ghost.
4 years of frequent wear, sun beating down on it, sweat, dust, rain...being battered around in a washing machine was the last straw. 

I’m not about to wear it with the cloth on the bill all torn through. Just looks too cheap. So I guess that’s it for this cap.

I had plans to make an M-43 style cap, so I think I will recycle the plastic of the bill and use it in that project. So, not a total loss. 

Maybe one of these days when I order something from Kifaru again I’ll get another cap, but not really a priority right now.


  1. Dude! Are you kidding me? You can sell that bad boy on eBay and make a killing! It has just the right amount of edginess to it that the Abercrombie and Fitch crowd so desperately need!

  2. Yeah, others have told me that a little grease on that thing and I would fit right in at BillyBob's BBQ & Bassfishing, or conversely at the mall with all the 18 year old hipsters. Damn there goes any chance at street or back country lane cred.

    Too late. Bill is already in the project bin.

  3. And I really have to question the sanity of anyone who would want to buy a used ball cap. Revolting!
