
Saturday 2 July 2011

Happy Canada Day

Decided to view the annual fireworks display over Burlington Bay from a different vantage point this year, by heading down to Carroll’s Point. To be honest, I’m pretty tepid about the fireworks, and just saw it as a good excuse to go for a walk.
The hills surrounding Cootes Paradise.
Sauntering down Valley Inn Road.
Kayakers with McQuesten High Level bridge in the background.
Ducklets and mama fleeing the approach of the ginormous monster.
Lots of boats cruising around to set themselves up for an even better vantage point to view the fireworks.
Flying the flag.
I decided that for Canada Day, I should go for that most Canadian of food, KD. I got this as a sample, and thought today might be as good a day as any to consume it.
Decided to go with the MSR Titan Kettle today.
Due to all the rain we’ve had the last few weeks, the water level was up considerably. Last year at this time there were beaches several feet beyond where the edge of the water was today.
...and there is a reason why this only about the third time in my life I’ve eaten KD. Just...lacklustre.
But the kiwis and mango made up for it. Not exactly Canadian fruits, but hey.
Collected some driftwood and harvested some dead branches and had a little fire. Wish I was in a position to have a fire every day. Just the chance to have a fire, and to sit and listen to the waves lapping against the shore made it all worthwhile.
Then I watched some fireworks (the sparks from my fire were more thrilling) and then climbed back up the cliff and wandered home.

Good time.

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