
Thursday 15 December 2011

Bibliophilia: Dies the Fire – S. M. Stirling

Dies the Fire – S. M. Stirling

Found this tortuous to be very honest. I enjoy the whole post-apocalypse genre, but I had a major problem with the premise I just couldn’t get over. Okay, technology stops working – electronics and electricity fail to function. That, I can buy into. An EMP will see to that. But gunpowder no longer works? Huh? It’s about as simple a chemical reaction as there is. And steam no longer works? What!? 

And then all the wiccan, gaelic speaking stuff, got tedious fast. It was all a little to SCA for me. It is apparently part of a trilogy, but while I finished this, I wasn’t interested enough to want to get the other two.

(Right after I delved into Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon, which was light years better in every way, merely serving to showcase this novels shortcomings.)

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