Wednesday 9 December 2009

Sosoetry – Tamara

After writing kooky little poems about some of my other co-workers, I did one about my little pal Tamara.

Tamara used to be known as Guest
But she still remains a pest
Even with those she’s close to
She touches things she’s not supposed to
She’s a curious little monkey
Obviously envious of my being so funky
Sure enough, every morning without fail
She razzes me about my rooster tail
Kids me about being so tall
Tells me my backpacks too small
She accuses me of being a yuppy
Yet it’s she who wants an expensive puppy
Her sense of humour is rather quirky
And her personality is best termed perky
She complains of having a big ass
What she really has is too much sass
She’s proven to be quite artistic
But has no time for the narcissistic
She can’t stand George Dubya Bush
She’d open a can of whoop ass on his tush
She’s obviously very good at graphic design
But when the room turns cold she starts to whine
To Mark she must have appealed
They’re now married living in Springfield
With this girl there are no maybes
She’s adamant she wants no babies
She disapproves of smoking pot
And splats stray cats with a slingshot
She really is quite bubbly though
Her glowing smile makes it doubly so
Of her life she’s making the most
But at parties she’s unsure if she should be Guest or host

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