Wednesday 16 September 2009

Online Conversion Calculator

Have you ever been travelling through the universe in your spacecraft and needed to know how many Parsecs there are in a Lightyear, but forgot the formula?

Ever needed to know how many Nautical Miles there are in a Fathom, how much Kelvin in a Reaumur, how many Gills there are in a Hogshead, how many Celos in a G unit, how many Centigals in a Gallileo, how many Hertz in a Fresnel, how many Troy Pounds in a Stone, how many Newtons in a Dyne, how many Dashes in a Cup, how many Radians in a Gradient?

Okay, okay, I'm just using the most obscure examples, just to be obtuse (hey that sounds like a measuring unit in itself - How many Obscures are in an Obtuse! Heehee, I made a funny.)

This online conversion calculator is an absolutely fantastic resource!

It will calculate or convert Length/Distance, Speed, Weight,Temperature, Volume, Weight/Mass, Date/Time, Cooking Units, Angles, Area, Power, Energy, Illumination, Force, Pressure, Frequency, Flow Rate, Acceleration, Density, Flow, Torque, Viscosity. It will convert a phrase into Morse Code, calculate your age in dog years, convert typographic measurements, convert Asian, N. American and European clothing sizes, find out what your weight is on other planets, calculate your Body Mass Index, calculate your Blood Alcohol Content, converts to and from Roman Numerals, convert an alphanumeric phone number to its numeric equivalent, convert Brix degrees to Baume degrees, it will calculate circle area, diameter, and circumference, calculate the area of a room, it will find the approximate room size you'll need depending on your meeting room setup and the number of attendees, it will determine the field depth and amount that will be in focus in a photograph, calculate percentages for you, there is a Blood Sugar Converter, which is useful for diabetes patients visiting a different country, calculate horse height, there is even an Armor Penetration calculator!

One thing that I personally have found useful is being able to convert cubic inches to liters, when trying to figure out how big a pack is.

There is stuff in here you didn't even know existed, but one day it may very well come in useful. Please bookmark this since it is something you will likely find a use for on many, many occassions. I know I have.

Online Conversion Calculator

There is also a utility that will translate acronyms for you. Another uselful little tool.

Acronym Search

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