Friday 16 July 2010

S.o.t.D. – Another Brown World – Coil

Of all the many things I’ve listened to over the years, one of my all time favourite musical acts has remained Coil. Incredibly evocative, they manage to be both beautiful and creepy, soothing yet disturbing. One of those acts that I would buy absolutely everything they put out, possess a title on vinyl, CD, and cassette because they were all slightly different, pay crazy money for rarities, etc. The first CD I ever bought was Horse Rotorvator, (I already owned two vinyl copies) which remains probably one of my top 3 favourite records. I didn’t even own a CD player yet, but I was ready for when I did.

This is originally from the SubRosa mini LP called “Myths 4: Sinople Twilight in Çatal Hüyük.” Later it appeared on “Unnatural History 2: Smiling in the Face of Perversity.” Parts of this track were recorded in Burma at a place called (ironically enough) Pagan. On top of a hill there called Popo is a temple and on the day Coil were there in 1987 an old monk was singing so they asked whether they could record the animist verses he was chanting if they were to donate something to the temple.

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