Monday 14 June 2010


“Bimble” is a word I discovered not so long ago and it essentially means an aimless wander. Went for one yesterday. Overcast day, but I was in a bit of a meandering mood and just wanted to get out of the house and go wandering around. No real destination in mind, just wanted to be outside and get a bit of exercise. I knew I had to eventually end up at a grocery store, but thought I’d make it a circuitous route there.
The cathedral.
With burls and warts all over the trunk, appendages rising up and branches jutting out, you can see how those with a feverish imagination in a foggy twilight could believe in monsters looming out of the murky depths.

Just nice to get out for a bit. I didn’t move at my usual freight train, training for a through hike pace. Took it easy, took some photos, sat, watched the birds, had a snack, wandered about.  Love the fact that I don’t have to go too far from my house and I can see some nice sights.

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