Wednesday 7 September 2011

Niagara Falls Tailrace Tunnel

Just like some of the smaller waterfalls that tumble over the Niagara Escarpment near me were harnessed to power mills, the most famous waterfals to tumble over it, the Niagara Falls, was also harnessed for power.

Hydro electric power.

More than one scheme existed to produce electricity. One of them was by the Toronto Power Company. A century ago, a ten story deep shaft was dug so that water would pour down and cause turbines at the bottom to spin. The water would then have to go somewhere, so 9 meter high, half kilometer long tunnels were dug, that came out behind the Falls.

The two power generating plants are now out of use.

Several very brave (or foolish, depending on your perspective) individuals snuck into one of the plants and descended down the shaft and explored the tunnels. I know one of the guys who took some of these pictures.

Truly awe inspiring. To contemplate that people dug and built these mammoth brick lined tunnels, and then to stand at the end of the tunnel, with the full ferocity of Niagara Falls right there in front of you - wow. Just seeing the pictures gives me a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach. I can’t imagine what it must have been like to be there for real.
(Links with more pictures below)


  1. Freaky. Those folks have some serious cojones. (I had to look up the correct spelling of the word...just so you know.)

    1. Yeah I've snuck into some abandoned buildings in my time, but that is on a whole other level. I wouldn't even contemplate that without some serious equipment and training - climbing and confined space rescue. Experience with caving might also be a prerequisite.
