Thursday 23 December 2010

Witches Tit

Spent several nights out in the woods with minimal gear, trying to remain as low profile as possible. Partly as a way to test out some gear, partly just for, well I can’t say fun. Practice maybe. All I can say is, what essentially amounts to escape and evasion exercises when it dips to well below zero, sssssuuuck! 

I set up a very nicely hidden spot on this hill, and slept fitfully. In the morning everything was covered in frost. I had made tea the night before and had drunk it throughout the night in an effort to stay warm, I fired up the BushBuddy again and made some more tea as I packed up. No hammock on this trip, :-(  .
The view out of my little hidey hole.
Since it was as cold as the proverbial witches tit, I decided to christen this hill, the Witches Tit.
As cold as it was, nice view.

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