Wednesday 17 August 2011

I’m R rated? Really?

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
I saw this and out of sheer curiosity had to give it a try.

Come on, really?

I keep the foul language to a barely noticeable amount, nothing gross or gratuitous, I think it’s generally a pretty fun and wholesome site, all in all. I wouldn’t feel awkward showing it to anyone. Apparently the word “knife” appears 15 times, and amongst the hundreds of thousands of words, “death” appears 7 times or “dead” appears 3 times, and “pain” appears once. And that is all it takes to relegate me to the art house circuit.

What a load of hooey.


  1. My blog is rated "G". What a surprise!

  2. I’ve got it! More mentions of sugar.

  3. Yikes. I better watch my language. I wouldn't want to bump your blog up to NC-17. *shudder*
