Thursday 20 January 2011

Spec work. Don’t do it. Pt. 2

Design me a logo. And pie charts. For free.

Hilarious read.


  1. It may be hilarious but it's too true to laugh about.

    The skill set is indeed rare and absolutely undervalued.

    Not only don't THEY want to pay for it, many times THEY take it and dork with it before THEY use it.

    At one point I had a contract for my work that stated I retained creative control of my work, a licensing agreement, as it were.
    The key stipulation being that pronounced and long term physical harm would be applied to the violator of the contract's terms.

    I did a lot less work but all of it was satisfying.

    Who says testosterone poisoning is a bad thing?

  2. I just wish people who think doing spec work will give them the break they desire is only setting them up to fail in the long run. It's like giving in to a terrorist or giving a child having a temper tantrum what they want. "Hey it worked once, I'll do it again." Entering a logo into a "logo design contest" won't in the long run lead to paid work, it will only reinforce in the minds of the people who ask for designs on spec that they don't ever need to pay for it. If you want to make a living from what you're good at, you need to charge for it - from day one. Giving it away for free erodes the ability of anyone to place a value on what is a skill and a talent.
