Saturday 8 January 2011

Rolph’s Gate

Back in this post about Dundurn Castle, I admit to being a little confused about what exactly Rolph Gate is/was.

On the map there is an unpaved laneway called Rolph’s Gate. A bit north of it is an arched gate. A bit further north, at the public entrance to the Castle is another gate, a stone gate. Sometime in the summer a foundation was laid and a sign went up about Rolph’s Gate being moved there. Now the outline of it looked just like the first, arched gate I mentioned.
This one.
As it turns out, Rolphs’s Gate was the one by the entrance, the stone gate.

I gather it had been damaged at one point or another by a car ramming into it. It had also been moved at some stage, from the area where the new foundation was laid. There is also a move to restore the look of the place a bit more to its original look.

The gate at the entrance was carefully taken apart, and over a period of weeks, months just as carefully reassembled.
Heck of a lot sharper looking then I seem to recall them being, and I am probably completely wrong, but they seem much bigger then they were. Different somehow. I never got a picture of them in their earlier spot, so I can’t be sure.

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