Wednesday 5 January 2011

Crystal Head Vodka

I saw this at my friends house on New Years Eve, and had to snap a photo.

Dan Ackroyd, (he of Ghostbusters and Blues Brothers fame) is behind this. I guess it’s sold in excess of a million bottles (at between $50 and $60), but the odd thing is that the booze nazis at the LCBO won’t sell it here in Ontario. Their claim is that the image of death and alcohol combined is a problematic one for them. (I’m guessing that vodka brand called Kalashnikov, and sold in bottles shaped like, you guessed it, a Kalashnikov, is similarly verboten in Ontario.) And since they hold a monopoly on the sale of liquor, you have to get it outside the province. (Like Ed did, having his brother in law bring him one from Prince Edward Island.) You can however find it in some Ontario bars or order it by the case through the LCBO.

I can’t say I’m much of a vodka common sewer, but people who are tell me that it is a really good one, with a very clean taste. But let’s face it, the bottle is the real appeal here.

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