Thursday 10 June 2010

Sosoetry – Amazoë-mail

I jotted this off in about an hour a bunch of years ago about my old friend Zoë to needle her about how long she was taking to get back to me with a response to an email I had sent her. 

It worked though as I got an almost immediate phone call, apologizing between peels of laughter for her tardy response. And then we ended up having a phone conversation where whatever the subject was, got discussed. Sometimes a bit of good natured ribbing is all it takes.


My friend Zoë without fail
professed her love for e-mail
“you send a letter through the wire
of it’s magic I will never tire
with all my friends I keep in touch
and it really doesn’t cost too much
I get e-mail from here and there”
Zoë got e-mail from everywhere
she’d tell me about friends she’d write
“you should join the fun,” she’d invite
“you know, as a matter of fact
get it and we’ll maintain contact”
soon I grew tired
of not being wired
I got my own e-mail account
sent so many I lost count
this e-mailing surely rocks
every day I’d check my inbox
for a message from my tall pal
she’ll write, I know she shall
like some cruel twist of fate
I was forced to wait and wait
I suspect she no longer loves me
for she continually rebuffs me
she received from me many a letter
my correspondence just got better
alas, miss Zoë shuns me
her indifference stuns me
I really do love my friend Zoë
for ages she has known me
I’d surely like to hug her
but that rotten little bugger
if she doesn’t hurry up and write me
I may have to tell her to “bite me!”

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