Sunday, 8 December 2013

Made a NaoLoop

I commented on a forum post recently, where someone enquired about a NaoLab NaoLoop.
A minimalist wallet.

Now my problem with it was that the price for the most elaborate model, ie, one with more slots, was about the equivalent of $25 Cdn. For about 25¢ worth of elastic, 5¢ worth of seam tape, and 2¢ worth of thread, and a few minutes of sewing, one could achieve the same results. Minus the fancy metal crimp at the end, for which some lowly seam tape would have to suffice.

It wasn’t something I was really that interested in, but to prove a point, I dug out some elastic 2" webbing, and for a total of 19 minutes of time as I watched a documentary, I made this. I’m sure the people who came up with this product are lovely people, who paid a graphic designer some decent money to come up with a logo and slick website, and had a charming Kickstarter campaign. I almost feel a little bit bad in encouraging a DIY take on their idea. But like my problem with the outrageous money charged for the “Chairless”, the actual value of it versus the amount charged is way out of whack. Have people become so incapable that they can’t see that, show some gumption and save a quantity of money that could go towards food in the pantry, gas in the tank, etc.? Anyone with a pittance in supplies and tools, two opposable thumbs, some imagination and a modicum of patience could make this.

Stop being ripped off by flashy gewgaws that you can make yourself.

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